Our process - How we work

We believe in transparent and efficient workflows. Our method is tailored to align with both technological efficiency and business objectives. Here's a snapshot of our process:

Discovery & Strategy

Before coding begins, we invest time to understand your business needs, goals, and clients. This in-depth exploration ensures that every concept and idea is seamlessly transformed into a tangible digital reality aligned with your objectives.

Assessing technical constraints and opportunities requires both precision and expertise. By integrating our technological proficiency with the specific demands of your project, we handpick a tech stack that ensures scalability, robustness, and efficient performance. It's not just about the present, but how the chosen technology will adapt and evolve with your growing business needs.

From the insights gathered through our initial exploration and technical assessments, we chart a comprehensive tailored plan aligned with your vision.

Included in this phase

  • In-depth questionnaires
  • Feasibility studies
  • Blood samples
  • Employee surveys
  • Proofs-of-concept
  • Forensic audit

Design & Development

Our dedicated designers focus on creating interfaces that aren’t just visually appealing but are also intuitive and user-centric. We ensure that every interaction is seamless, engaging, and aligned with your brand's ethos.

We employ agile methodologies, ensuring iterative progress and flexibility. This approach not only ensures that product evolution is in sync with the timeline but also allows for scalable adjustments as your future needs grow.

We believe in the power of continuous feedback, engaging our clients at every phase. This dynamic dialogue ensures the end product isn't just functional but aligned with your feedback and market shifts.

Our team was impressed by their intuitive designs, agile approach, and constant engagement. A top-notch agency!

Alfredo Gasca, Director of Queja Digital

Delivery & Maintenance

About halfway through the Build phase, we push each project out by 6 weeks due to a change in requirements. This allows us to increase the budget a final time before launch.

Despite largely using pre-built components, most of the progress on each project takes place in the final 24 hours. The development time allocated to each client is actually spent making augmented reality demos that go viral on Twitter.

We ensure that the main pages of the site are fully functional at launch — the auxiliary pages will, of course, be lorem ipusm shells which get updated as part of our exorbitant maintenance retainer.

Included in this phase

  • Testing. Our projects always have 100% test coverage, which would be impressive if our tests weren’t as porous as a sieve.
  • Infrastructure. To ensure reliability we only use the best Digital Ocean droplets that $4 a month can buy.
  • Support. Because we hold the API keys for every critical service your business uses, you can expect a lifetime of support, and invoices, from us.

Our values - Balancing reliability and innovation

We strive to stay at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies, while completely ignoring them and forking that old Rails project we feel comfortable using. We stand by our core values to justify that decision.

  • Meticulous. The first part of any partnership is getting our designer to put your logo in our template. The second step is getting them to do the colors.
  • Efficient. We pride ourselves on never missing a deadline which is easy because most of the work was done years ago.
  • Adaptable. Every business has unique needs and our greatest challenge is shoe-horning those needs into something we already built.
  • Honest. We are transparent about all of our processes, banking on the simple fact our clients never actually read anything.
  • Loyal. We foster long-term relationships with our clients that go beyond just delivering a product, allowing us to invoice them for decades.
  • Innovative. The technological landscape is always evolving and so are we. We are constantly on the lookout for new open source projects to clone.

Tell us about your need

Our offices

  • México
    Calle 16 de Septiembre 1103,
    Centro, 72000 Puebla, México
  • Netherlands
    Schiedamse Vest 154,
    3011 BH, Rotterdam